Friday, 21 October 2016


The title sequence my group decided to remake was seven. For this we decided that we would have low - key lighting and tattered props to reflect the dark ambience of the title sequence. We managed to get most of the props used in the title sequence however there were a few we couldn't get, therefore we improvised. For the acting we only needed to use a group members hands as no faces are revealed in the opening sequence to keep it enigmatic. As a group we decided to use Subhaan's hands in the clip. Storyboarding our shots was helpful so we knew which shots to use shots and mise en scene to use. Overall the planning for our sequence went successfully and we managed to do it quickly.

The filming part of the sequence was equally easy and difficult. At first we struggled to find a way to portray the low key lighting however we eventually managed to use lighting equipment which worked perfectly. We used a range of shots such as medium shot, close up shots, extreme close up shots and a birds eye view shot. The location for a filming was in a meeting room, we didn't need an extravagant setting as we only needed to use a table for the main action of the title sequence.

The editing process was quite easy. The title sequence of seven is very fast pace and has a lot of jump cuts therefore we did this in our editing. With the font we decided to make it a similar handwritten font as seen in the real title sequence we liked this because it makes the titles seem more incorporated into the action. We also used effects on the titling and credits to integrate it into the moving image. The handwritten font and its integrated edit suit the tone of the film as match with the moving image they create a mysterious, sombre aura to the sequence.

The whole process of filming, planning and editing a learning experience, it was difficult at some parts and simpler at others. I learnt that storyboarding is very important so that you can keep on track of what you're doing and how you will do it and also how much a difference types of font and their edit can make on the message and ambience of the entire film. The only criticisms I would have is to ensure to add sound in the editing process and do it at the beginning as sound is extremely important in an opening sequence, it tells the audience how they should feel about the film.