Friday, 21 October 2016

Evaluation of Remake: Seven

The title sequence that me and my group decided to remake was the one from the film Seven. We decided to remake this particular title sequence because it was interesting and would require us to experiment with different techniques and the specific style that this title sequence has.

When completing the storyboards and shortlists we found it quite a difficult task to note down and storyboard shots. This was because of the complexity of the title sequence itself, it's variety of different shots and the fact that we had limited time to film.
Therefore, we selected and noted down the particular shots from the original sequence that we could possibly remake and we storyboarded them.
In doing this, we did have to miss out a large proportion of the shots that were used in the original because of the lack of time to film.

Mostly, our choice in props to use impacted the final product. In the original title sequence for the film Seven, in includes quite a random assortment of paper props that form a type of note book/scrap book as well as razor blades and a teabag etc. 
In order to replicate these props we chose to use similar things such as a newspaper, an old note pad, college ID card (instead of a blade) and an actual teabag. 

As a group, creating the actual credit titles for the sequence was somewhat a difficult task. This is because we had a difficult time deciding at which points in our remake we would use credit titles and how it wouldn't seem correct in comparison to the original as we featured less shots which meant we couldn't feature all the titles that the original does.
Also, we had a problem with replicating how the credit titles in the original sequence appear to feature animation in Adobe After Effects. This was only a problem for us because again we had limited time to edit and put the final cut together, which meant that we didn't have a lot of time to add the animations.

However, when creating the credit titles we did find that selecting the font, typeface and size of the credit titles was an easier job than the animation part. This is because the credit titles in the original sequence were featured as titles on a blank screen and the type was mostly shown varying in all 4 corners of the screen. So, this aspect of the credit titles was easy in remaking.

Overall, I believe that if we were given more time to film all the shots we wanted from the original and had more time to edit so that we could add the animation to the credit titles, the whole remake would've been perfect. However, saying that, we did get a majority of the sequence made to a good standard and we were all moderately satisfied with the final cut.