Thursday, 6 October 2016

Analysis of Example Blog

Analysis of Example Blog: "Omar's Blog"

This student's blog included 62 blog posts. A majority of the blog posts are laid out in quite a plain and standard list of chronological order. 

His posts tend to commonly follow a pattern of bodies of text maybe with a link to a video and a few pictures/screenshots. From noticing this, it's easy to realize that he hasn't used many ICT apps (only used YouTube video links).

The design of his blog is quite standard, not much colour apart from the background which I think is supposed to be the logo used in his final piece. To me, this tiled background of his logo looks quite unprofessional. This is because you can clearly see that the text used in the logo was cut off. Also, the bright colours against the simple grey and white colour scheme of his blog posts don't seem to work very well for me as they distract you from the main content.

Overall, I believe that it's quite a standard blog. It's relatively easy to tell that he put it together mostly with content as his priority rather than user interaction. However, in saying this, there's room to improve his post layout, background and also the amount of ICT he used for his work.