Day 2 of filming went really well, it gave us a really good idea of what we need to do next and what other shots we may want to add to our title sequence. We got done everything we had wanted to that day, we filmed another time lapse and this time also in a more crowded area, which will make the time lapse look a lot better with a lot more movement around in the shot. we also filmed some shots with the main character. And also during filming we had a new idea for another shot so we also filmed that.
overall day 2 went really well, however, we still need to be just a little more organised because we were still standing around a little bit thinking of what we want to film next and I think that is really just wasting time, so next session just be a little more organised about exactly what we want to film and in which order so we are not deciding when we are at the location. we also could have done some more filming because we did finish quite early and just went back to class.