During this filming session we filmed our first timelapse sequence. While we did get it done, I feel as if we should've done it in a more crowded area - if we were to speed this up during editing you'd be seeing a few cars flying by but not really much as far as how populated it could've been. Say if we done it by Angel station for example it would be more effective as there would be more people exiting the area making the timelapse more effective. The timelapse look most of the recording time that we had for that day and once we were finished with it we went back to class.
I feel as if we could've done a few shots other than the timelapse scene as after we finished the scene we still had quite a bit of time to do some minor scenes for the opening of our movie. Nevertheless, we still got a decent chunk of film that we can use at any given point in our opening - it's sort of like a wild card!
Next time we go filming we should have it fully planned out as to utilise our time effectively instead of standing around and wondering where to go next - the more planning we have the easier it will be for us to get organised and film the scenes we need to.