Sunday, 25 December 2016

Targets in response to Evidence Audit and SWOT Analysis

After completing an evidence audit and a SWOT analysis (strength, weakness, opportunities & threats) of my blog so far, I have come up with 3 targets that I believe if I achieve them, they will improve my blog and possibly even raise my mark/grade.

My 3 targets are...

  1. Keep a regular frequency of blog posts (around 3 per week).
  2. Make an effort to learn and become more efficient with using some more ICT tools.
  3. Regularly attend media workshops in order to stay on top of my work and ensuring that i'm getting tasks completed to high standards. 

SWOT Analysis of my Blog

My Blog Audit

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Rough Cut 1 Evaluation


Friday, 23 December 2016

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Blogging Health Check 2 - Feedback, Targets and Evaluation

Overall, I agree with the feedback that I have been given in health check 2.
I agree that the lack in frequency of posting has been a problem recently and should definitely be a target of mine to improve this as soon as possible.
Also, I agree that I need to focus on posting more evidence of production whilst we're still in the stage of doing it. 
I think that I can definitely achieve the set targets before the next blogging health check. 

Blogging Health Check 2

i am unhappy with my progress from the last blogging feedback, i need to manage my posting time better and have more individual posts and more evidence of filming, also individual research tasks.
still i have missed quite a lot of posed that i have previously missed the i need to make sure i catch up to   in order to bring my mark/ grade up.

Friday, 16 December 2016

Vengeance Rough Cut 1 - Feedback from class



Evidence of Editing for RC1 (Rough Cut 1)

In this editing session, we were finalising the order of the sequence and shots for the first rough cut. 
At the end of it, we were left with the film piece for Rough Cut 1.

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Evidence of First Editing Session (Rough Cut 1)

This is a recording of our first editing to complete our first rough cut of the title sequence for vengeance.
In this session, we mostly imported and selected the footage that we wanted to put in the rough cut.


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Monday, 12 December 2016

Day 4 Filming Reflection - 10/12/16

On Saturday 10th December 2016, we completed our last filming session in the area around Dagenham Heathway Station. 

We successfully managed to film all the planned shots that we needed. We got shots of the main character sorting through surveillance/spy photographs in her study. Also, we got shots of the main character meeting up with the gang member in an alleyway. 

After filming on Saturday, we had filmed all the shot we needed and had planned to go into the title sequence for Vengeance. 
From here, we will go onto editing the footage that we have. We're aiming to produce a rough cut almost every week, showing our development and improvements.

Friday, 9 December 2016


Our 3rd day of filming, in my opinion was the best day of filming so far as we got alot of footage for different scenes. On this day we filmed in Bishops Gate, it was somewhat crowded, which was good as we wanted it to be like that for the scene. We also got a range of different shots including close ups, low angles, over the shoulder, which will all help with the effect of the title sequence.

Day 3 Filming Reflection - 09/12/16

Today, in our third filming session,  we managed to get some filming done in the Area around Bishops Gate and Liverpool Street. 

The Footage that we managed to get was mostly just shots of the main character following the gang member in the streets. We filmed a wide variety of shots including close ups and long shots.

Overall, we successfully filmed a lot of shots that correspond with our updated storyboard. Now, we intend on filming in Dagenham Heathway over the course of this coming weekend.

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Filming day 2 evaluation

Day 2 of filming went really well, it gave us a really good idea of what we need to do next and what other shots we may want to add to our title sequence. We got done everything we had wanted to that day, we filmed another time lapse and this time also in a more crowded area, which will make the time lapse look a lot better with a lot more movement around in the shot. we also filmed some shots with the main character. And also during filming we had a new idea for another shot so we also filmed that.
overall day 2 went really well, however, we still need to be just a little more organised because we were still standing around a little bit thinking of what we want to film next and I think that is really just wasting time, so next session just be a little more organised about exactly what we want to film and in which order so we are not deciding when we are at the location. we also could have done some more filming because we did finish quite early and just went back to class.

Filming day 1 evaluation

During our first filming session we filmed our first timelapse, it went well because that was the only thing we wanted to do during that filming session, we could have maybe planned a better location to do the time laps in. However, the filming session overall went well. we were recording for about 40 min which took most of our filming session so straight after that we went back to class. 

also, we could have ,maybe filmed other smaller shots that we needed for our title sequence because we still had quite a lot of time left over, we should have utilized that time we had instead of wasting it and not doing anything. also, next filming session we need to plan a lot more effectively on exact locations, shots, angles etc. and not waste filming time.  

Wednesday, 7 December 2016


On filming day two we fil media more in piccadilly Circus. We did not film any of the integral sences on this day however we did manage to get some shots of the main character making her way to her destination which was good.


The world is a scary place, full of frowning faces, and people that never stop moving- you never know who's out to get you, I could tell you all about it. Danger surrounds us yet we remain unaware of it - the person you are sitting next to on the tube, the man who served you your coffee this morning, your own best friend - all of them could become your worse nightmare, again I could tell you all about it. Everyone is your enemy, thats why I prefer to be alone. When I'm alone I get things done, people are just distractions, only useful to play with. People have secrets, secrets that they don't think anybody knows - but I know everything. The key to this is blending in, making yourself blend in with these people, make them trust you, make them think you're on their side - When really its the opposite.

Update on Filming Progress - 07/12/16

Now that me and the rest of my group have had the opportunity to meet up in our lesson, we have concluded that the 'gang member' scenes will not be possible to film and that we may need to alter the planned events in the storyboard and shotlist. 

The proposed ideas that we discussed were, to scrap the scenes with the gang members and replace those scenes with the main spy character "stalking" and meeting with a head gang member. 
In addition to this, we decided on using 2 filming sessions to get the rest of our footage. 
We intend for the 9th December filming session would be filmed in the Bishops Gate/Liverpool Street area. Also, the filming session on the 10th December would be in the area of Dagenham Heathway Station.


On the first day filming we successfully managed to gather quite a lot of footage, we filmed some of the time lapse in Angel and Piccadilly Circus as well as footage for the first few scenes of the film. For the footage of the first two scenes was difficult to film at first because we where filming in a busy area however we managed to work around it and film the footage we need. The only thing we could have done better was we could have got more done for the time lapse however we did not have much time, but overall it was good. We also filed the shots that are supposed to introduce the character to the audience. Overally filming day 1 was successful.

Filming Evaluation 30/11/16 - Goncalo

During this filming session we filmed our first timelapse sequence. While we did get it done, I feel as if we should've done it in a more crowded area - if we were to speed this up during editing you'd be seeing a few cars flying by but not really much as far as how populated it could've been. Say if we done it by Angel station for example it would be more effective as there would be more people exiting the area making the timelapse more effective. The timelapse look most of the recording time that we had for that day and once we were finished with it we went back to class.

I feel as if we could've done a few shots other than the timelapse scene as after we finished the scene we still had quite a bit of time to do some minor scenes for the opening of our movie. Nevertheless, we still got a decent chunk of film that we can use at any given point in our opening - it's sort of like a wild card!

Next time we go filming we should have it fully planned out as to utilise our time effectively instead of standing around and wondering where to go next - the more planning we have the easier it will be for us to get organised and film the scenes we need to.

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Update on Filming Progress - 03/12/16

Yesterday on Saturday 3rd December, we had intended to film some shots for the Vengeance. Specifically, we wanted to film shots in the area around Dagenham Heathway Tube Station, of the 'gang members' and the main character interacting with them. 

However, due to lack of available actors to make up the 'gang' as well as complications with the equipment, we concluded that we wouldn't be able to film this weekend.

This puts us a little bit behind on our schedule. Although, we intend on using the time on our upcoming Wednesday Media Studies Lesson to update our plan of filming.

Friday, 2 December 2016

Day 2 Filming Reflection - 02/12/16

Today was our second day of filming for our title sequence: Vengeance.
We had planned to go and film in and around the area of Piccadilly Circus, Central London. 
Specifically, we wanted to film some time lapses in the main 'circus' area and some shots of our main character walking through the area.
We managed to get the time lapse and a some shots of the main character done within the session. Overall, making this filming session quite successful. 
Now, we intend on filming tomorrow (Saturday 3rd December) in the area of Dagenham Heathway for the main scenes involving the gang. 


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Filming day 2 - Evaluation 2/12/16

During our second filming session I believe we got a lot more done than in our first filming session. We got several different shots ranging from close-ups to transition shots and even a timelapse!
With our 3 hours we managed to get quite a bit done - however, there could've been a tad bit more done with the time we had. We took quite a bit of time to find some of our locations and figure out how to film a particular scene. The shots we ended up with such as the shot of the feet moving towards the camera were all top notch in my opinion as it'll give more depth to our title sequence. We had to redo a couple of scenes due to pedestrians walking around. I felt that if we were a little bit more organised we could film more effectively in the time provided.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Day 1 Filming Reflection - 30/11/16

This was our first day of filming. We managed to film approximately 25 - 30 minutes of footage for a time lapse that we intend on including in our film's title sequence.
We ended up filming in the area around Angel, Islington (specifically Islington Green).
Overall, capturing the footage for the time lapse was a fairly straight forwards and easy task. This made for a productive day of filming.
Also we were confident that we knew what we had to film next, with intentions of filming on Friday and Saturday of this week.


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