How easy was it to come up with an idea?
I think that it was a fairly reasonable task to come up with ideas as a group. I think that it was made easier because we randomly selected the name of a location and a prop that we had to base our ideas around.
With this, we found it an easier task to put together a collation of all our ideas for a general story for the film.
How easy was it to decide how to open a film with a title sequence for your idea?
I think that as a group we struggled a bit at this point. This is probably because we were happy with the idea for the film, but just couldn't think of how that particular film would open. Also, we didn't how much of our ideas from before we should have incorporated into the title sequence.
How successful do you think the idea was?
Our idea as concept idea for a film was fairly good. However, I think that our ideas for the actual title sequence for the film weren't as good.
I think this because the idea could have been a bit more creative. Also, I think that having to think of ideas for a shotlist and storyboard in that same restricted amount of time was a bit difficult to do in addition to thinking of the actual idea.
Would you use your 6 minute challenge idea for you coursework film?
I don't think that me and my group would agree that our idea for the 6 minute challenge was our best idea possible. Because of this, I wouldn't use the 6 minute challenge idea as our final one.
I think that given more time and more creativity, we could come up with a better idea for our coursework film.