6 Minute Challenge Evaluation
The 6 minute challenge is a creative thinking activity where we were tasked with coming up with a film and title sequence idea within 6 minutes. We were given a random prop, title and main setting.
How easy was it to come up with an idea?
The random prop, location and title we picked out were a golf club (Prop), a city park (Location) and Shuvtysu River (Film title). At first we found it difficult to come up with ideas particularly because none of us could recall a film we had watched that included a golf club for a main prop. However eventually we managed to come up with an idea that suit the prop, title and location we where given.
The plot and title sequence.
It took our group a bit of time to figure out a suitable idea, however we settled on a hybrid drama/romance film. The plot of the film involved two characters who meet at a convention for golf lovers after both winning the golden golf club at the convention. They then meet again near the Shuvysu River and quickly begin to fall in love. The film would document their relationship.
With the main storyline outlined it was then easier to storyboard the title sequence. The title sequence we decided would introduce the two main characters as well as involve golf, as it is integral to the plot. The 10 shots for the title sequence were:
1) Extreme close up of a hand holding a golf club, getting ready to shoot the ball.
2) Wide shot of the character hitting the ball into the air.
3) Medium shot of the character watching the ball fly away. This shot also helps establish one of the films main characters.
4) High angle of the ball flying in the air
5) Close up shot of the ball landing on the ground next to the next characters feet.The ball guides us to the next bit of action.
6) Medium shot of another main character whom the ball landed next to their feet. This establishes another character
7) Two shot of the main character and a stock character speaking.
8) Wide shot. The first character comes into shot to retrive his golf ball.
9) Over the shoulder shot of the first character (the protagonist) glancing at the second character whilst she is oblivious and continues with her conversation
10) Long shot of the protagonist walking back to where they first were, they look back at the woman whilst walking accidentally tripping and falling in the process. The title of the film then appears.
There would also be a non diegetic backing track which - would be a cheesy love song -to accompany the action and guide the audience through the title sequence.
I think our idea was successful as it has typical rom - com conventions and if where a real film would be appealing to the audience.There is a variety of shots and quite a bit o
Would you use your 6 minute challenge idea for your coursework?
Personally I wouldn't want to use this idea for my groups coursework project because although I like the idea it is very cliche and I wouldn't particularly want to use the Rom-com genre for the coursework project.