Friday, 10 February 2017

Friday, 3 February 2017

Blog Sign Off

AND......WE'RE DONE!!!

Finally, me and my group have completed our project to create a title sequence for a film. 

It was quite a good experience and was made even better by the people in my group . 

In the end I managed to complete everything to my best ability. 

Now I wait to hopefully receive that "Young A" (or any grade that I deserve) that we set out to achieve in the beginning. 

Goodbye Blog

Blog Evaluation - Question 1

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Blog Evaluation - Question 2



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The process leading you to the making of the film and producing it was difficult however we managed to get through it, the experience was fun! !

Sign off Post

goodbye !!!!!

the experience overall was great, i was personally so happy with the people i was in a group with, everyone was extremely welcoming and easy to work with, although we started running into some small difficulties near the end but overall loved the experience didn't enjoy the stress of blogging but all ended well. :)
byeeee !!!!!!!! 

Title Sequence Evaluation - Question 1

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Thursday, 2 February 2017

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Blog Evaluation - Question 3

Created using Visme. The Free Online Presentation Tool.


Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Blogging Health check 3 -

At the moment i am happy with my progress i am now catching up with the previous blog tasks that i have missed, and i am now posting more individual tasks more regularly. although i still have a couple of blogs to still catch up to i and need more evidence of editing which would include ether screenshots or camtasia videos, which i have no done.

Friday, 20 January 2017

Evidence of Final Editing (Final Cut)

In this camtasia recording, we were editing to complete the final cut for our title sequence. 
Specifically, we added the final touches on the colour grading and completed the final sound layering.

Evidence of Editing the Final Titles

In this camtasia recording, we are seen editing during our last editing session, where we finish adding in the credit titles onto the title sequence for the final cut. 

Production Ident (FINAL)

This was the final version of the production ident. We did make one previously, back before we began the production stages of this project. 
However, due to complications with the file type, we weren't able to access it properly when it came to editing. 
Therefore, we decided we needed to make a new logo from scratch. That resulted in a final design which we were all happy with (the video linked above).

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Evidence of Editing Titles for the Final Cut


In this camtasia recording, we went through the process of editing the final couple of titles for the final cut of our title sequence.

Checklist for Final Title Sequence

The essential changes/improvements we have to make to our title sequence before the deadline for the final piece on 20th January 2017, are...
  • Add more/finish off credit titles
  • Create a main title in After Effects
  • Make transitions at specific points in the sequence
  • Re do production ident from scratch
  • Add voice over audio to the sequence
  • Edit the sound design at specific points

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Monday, 16 January 2017

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Rough Cut 3 Evaluation

We had completed our 3rd rough cut on 13th January. Our aims for rough cut 3 were to have edited and placed sound in out title sequence, to start adding the title and to remake a production ident and sharpen the color grading.

However at the end of the editing session, we only managed to start adding the title, we have not decided or put any sound in our title sequence. we have before in previous lessons received some feedback about some sound on our title sequence however we have not yet managed to make any changed or improvements to the sound we already had. We managed to remake a production ident and next session we just have to place it in the title sequence.

overall, I don't believe this was our most productive nor most successful rough cut yet, however, we hope to have everything done by our next cut/ deadline. our next targets are working on sound and finishing the title.

Friday, 13 January 2017

Updated Story Board

Checklist for final Title Sequence

The most important changes we have to make before our deadline on the 20th January are...

  • to finish all titles/credits
  • add transitions
  • finish creating the main title
  • record and add voice over to the title sequence
  • discuss and add sound to the film 

Feedback for Rough Cut 3

Vengeance Rough Cut 3



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Monday, 9 January 2017

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Rough Cut 2 Evaluation

6th January we had our 2nd Rough Cut

Our aims for rough cut 2 were
to add/ layer some sound on our title sequence
color grade
to add our production and distribution idents in

Overall, at the end, I managed to do some color grading we also added a soundtrack with a few sound effects but only managed to place in the distribution ident in. however, due to some complications of recovering our production ident we didn't manage to put that in yet, we might have to remake our production ident from scratch due to these complications.
Personally, i believe that Rough Cut 2 was pretty successful, in the time span that we had I believe that we got a lot done, even though not all our targets may have been met however overall it was successful.

Friday, 6 January 2017

Blogging Feedback

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Feedback for Rough Cut 2

Vengeance Rough Cut 2


Filming Session 4 - Dagenham

With day 4 of our filming we took to the streets of Dagenham to film our ending for the title sequence. Even though some members arrived a little bit late due to train difficulties we managed to pull through at the end. We did quite a big chunk of our title sequence over the course of about 4 hours. The lighting could've been better but we can fine tune that in post production. I believe we done a good job in our filming session overall however.


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Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Evidence of Sound Editing for Rough Cut 2


This camtasia recording shows us doing a bit of editing of the sounds for rough cut 2. It is very minimal but it shows us searching online for traffic sound effects to layer over certain shots in the sequence.

Colour Grading Tutorial